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Impact & ESG

More than injecting capital

Improving the lives of Africans is central to everything we do. 

By 2034, Africa will have a working population of 1.1 billion people; larger than that of China or India. This presents a one time opportunity to benefit from a demographic dividend as populations in developed markets age. At the same time, a young and rapidly growing population will present critical risks and challenges. We are passionate about playing our part in diversifying African economies to meet the social, environmental and governance challenges of the coming decades.


We classify and monitor our Impact metrics in voluntary alignment with the IFC Operating Principles for Impact Management and we allocate senior management to ensure that Impact opportunities are identified early, tracked, monitored and evaluated at each investment stage. Our portfolio management team work with investees and the investment team to ensure that teams are adequately trained on  Impact opportunities, processes exist through which to identify, track and monitor the impact of investments and these processes are properly integrated into the operational and decision making culture of the business.

What we care about
How we tackle it

Creating Jobs, Reducing Migration


Nearly 90% of the labour force in sub-Saharan Africa is engaged in informal with around 60% engaged in agriculture. Formal wage work is mainly limited to services, while manufacturing represents less than 5 % of jobs. Unless addressed, these trends risk serious social and economic instability in the form of economic migration and civil unrest, as an increasing proportion of the population reaches working age.

Agribusiness & Healthcare



HIV and AIDS have already reduced national economic growth by between 2-4% across Africa.  These and other infectious diseases account for more than a third of all fatalities in the region. Sub-Saharan Africans also suffer from the highest maternal and child mortality rates (200,000 maternal and 2.7 million child deaths a year). We are committed to ensuring that investments in healthcare and agribusiness are a key part of our investment portfolio.

Energy & Climate Change



Access to Energy is a key driver of economic growth and sub-Saharan Africa lags behind the rest of the world in this respect. The region has 13 percent of the world’s population, but 48 percent of the share of the global population without access to electricity. We prioritise investments that encourage cleaner sources of energy, more efficient equipment and those that reduce or reverse harm to the environment.


Our Philosophy

Sustainable development is core to delivering on our objectives. Underpinning our corporate philosophy and growth path is an appreciation that growth drivers cannot be achieved effectively without a committed focus on sustainable development. This framework is a key factor in our investment decision-making process as well as the ongoing management of our investments.  Adherence to a tailored  Social & Environmental Management System (SEMS) is a critical factor for investing and partner companies will be required to provide regular and accurate reporting on their compliance.


ESG in Practice

Principles and Commitments

We are active investors and ESG considerations filter into our Private Credit deal origination, screening and due diligence processes.  Once an investment has been made, Altica will look to apply specific principles to a partner company's operational activities and continue to monitor compliance throughout the life of the investment.


ESG Systems: Continuous Monitoring

Altica Partners is committed to a sound environmental and social policy framework.  This commitment is central to SEMS, which will provide the framework for social and environmental management. In fulfilling this commitment, we are develop, implement and look to continuously improve our management framework. This provides our partner companies with the policies, governance structures and reporting systems to manage the risks and opportunities that sustainable development presents.

Our Advisory Board receive regular reports on the SEMS implementation and compliance by Altica Partners as well as its partner companies. 

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